Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Why do we Continue to Fund Washington?

It was recently revealed that Federal employee's owe over 3 billion in backed taxes. Now we are funding a 1.1 trillion dollar budget, giving federal employee's a wage increase all the while, American's, myself now included, are continuing to be let go in the private sector while government jobs expand at unprecedented speed.

Another revalation recently was the growth of 100,000 salaries in the government sector. They continue to get money, avoid taxes, get relief when they do (Geitner) while the shmucks like me keep paying into this train wreck! In only six months, this household has fronted a 14K siphon into our wallets to fund government, all the while, I get hit with large taxes because of a small severance and now unemployement. All because this came in during December. Had this happened in Jan, it would be a completely different tax situation. Which is why I feel so strongly with promoting the fair tax.

So while we fund this insanity, the White House staff owes 812,917, our House of Reps owe 5.8 million, Senate tally's up to 2.4 million, and our very own Treasury department owes 6.9 million....and the list just goes on and on!!! http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/documents/federal-tax.html

We need the tea party to really ramp up and organize into a new conservative third party to return us back to sanity or we all should just take a tax hike!